• 971557181328
  • kaiser.raja@kch.ae
What is NASH related Cirrhosis

What is NASH related Cirrhosis

Extreme liver fibrosis is known as liver cirrhosis. In this condition, the liver which is otherwise a soft organ becomes quite hard and starts functioning poorly. Patients can go on to develop liver failure in which there is development of jaundice (yellow eyes), generalized weakness, loss of muscle mass, accumulation of fluid in the belly and swelling of the legs. These patients can also develop internal bleeding from the food-pipe and stomach, mental confusion, kidney problems and infections. Such patients may eventually need a lifesaving liver transplantation. Patients with NASH related liver cirrhosis also have a high risk for development of liver cancer. It is recommended that such patients must undergo periodic ultrasound scans, usually once in 6 months, to detect cancer early so that there is higher chances of cure.